- Wollaton Sf ConnectNottingham
- Sellers Wood Service StationNottingham
- Hks CalvertonCalverton
- Asda Petrol StationNottingham
- Asda Arnold AutomatArnold and Carlton
- Longdale Service StationRavenshead
- Asda Petrol StationNottingham
- Tesco Hucknall ExtraSutton in Ashfield
- Waitrose WollatonNottingham
- Tesco Cinderhill Nottingham ExpressNottingham
- Sainsbury's Petrol StationArnold and Carlton
- Carlton Square Service StationArnold and Carlton
- Lenton Boulevard Service StationNottingham
- Mpk Carlton Service StationCarlton
- Mpk Carrington Service StationNottingham
- Midland Hydrogen Ring - Nottingham
- Cng - Nottingham City TransportNottingham
- Huntingdon Street Service StationNottingham
- MapperleyNottingham
- Hucknall Bypass Service StationSutton in Ashfield
- Mrh St Marys
- Beechdale Service StationNottingham
- Tesco Bulwell ExtraNottingham
- Morrisons BulwellNottingham
- Mrh Nuthall RoadNottingham
- Old Basford Service StationNottingham
- Basford ExpressNottingham
- Shell Sherwood RiseNottingham
- Rss DaybrookNottingham
- Mrh Maid MarionArnold and Carlton
- Marmion Service StationNottingham
- Hks ThreewaysBlidworth
- Mrh East LaneCarlton
- Manor Filling StationCalverton
- Morrisons NetherfieldArnold and Carlton
- Lambley MotorsLambley
- Cng - Roadgas NottinghamArnold and Carlton
- Tesco Nottingham Top Valley ExtraNottingham