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Guide Michelin
Vaut le détour
Cuisine créative
L'avis du Guide Michelin
Hans van Wolde has reinvented himself. For years the face of Beluga, he is making a fresh start at Brut172. He has set up shop in the heart of the quiet Limburg countryside, having transformed a farmstead into an architectural gem. Diners are led through the different spaces, from the aperitif lounge to the cosy salon to the kitchen itself. The upscale modern design is extraordinary. This is art rather than architecture! Hans van Wolde takes you into his world, where you momentarily lose track of time. Ingredients of exceptional quality and intensely flavoured sauces characterise the dishes. Diners cannot fail to be impressed by the way a fillet of pickled sea bass is taken to a whole new level by the addition of a langoustine broth, Spanish spring onion, leek oil and fried shrimp. This restaurant is a celebration of both culinary expertise and the local terroir. And rather than resting on his laurels, chef Van Wolde combines his talent with a sense of adventure, putting his own intensely aromatic and technically precise spin on a classic apple pie, for example, or adding a dash of Asian flair to scallops. Then there is the selection of wines from around the globe as well as a range of delicious juices for alcohol-free pairings… Brut172 makes for a first-class dining experience!
Ses points forts
Reijmerstokkerdorpsstraat 143
6274 NK Reijmerstok